
Women’s group in Nepal

Women’s group members have diversified their work to find new ways of providing for their families.

Women’s group members have diversified their work to find new ways of providing for their families.

As in so many countries around the world, Nepalese businesses and industries have been significantly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Brick kilns were forced to close during the lockdown period, which left many horse-owning families incredibly vulnerable due to a lack of any household income.

Our project in Nepal formed a women’s group two years ago and has since supported women within equine-owning families to access government-assisted skills training so that they are not so reliant on their equines and can provide them with more rest and care. Sadly, some of their income generating opportunities have been halted during the pandemic due to industry closure.

However, as ever, the group have remained positive and have yet again diversified to find other ways of providing for their families. Once such way has been for them to be trained in making facial masks that can be sold locally. This has not only helped these women to support their family and equines through additional income, but also provides a vital service to those around them.

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