Our Organisation
Our mission is to work with horses, horse owners, communities, organisations and governments to help improve welfare standards and stamp out suffering in the UK and worldwide.

Our work
World Horse Welfare is the only international equine welfare charity that promotes and protects welfare across the full spectrum of the equine world.

Our People
Our team has many talents - horse health and welfare, international development, veterinary science, campaigning, fundraising and finance - which all help run an effective global charity.
How we help
Providing relief to equids in immediate need through rescue and rehabilitation in Britain and through local partners in low and middle-income countries.
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Supporting and using research from our front-line work, academia and wider experience to understand the causes of equine welfare challenges and use evidence to inform our work.
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Sharing and promoting knowledge of equine care, seeking to reach even the most hard to-reach audiences, utilising the latest developments in behavioural change science.
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Achieving long-lasting change through shaping attitudes, policies and legislation to sustainably improve welfare for millions of equids.
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Where we work
We influence policy in the UK, Europe and globally and have programmes in Africa, Latin America and Asia. We are based in the UK where we have four rescue and rehoming centres.
In the UK

Around the world

World Horse Welfare's vision is a world where every horse is treated with respect, compassion and understanding.
Your impact in 2023
Here is how your support helped
International projects helped working horses, donkeys and mules in 20 countries
Operations undertaken at four British ports, with enforcement agencies, to gather evidence of the scale of horse movements
People used our educational resources
Recommendations made to the FEI to improve welfare as part of the Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission