Welfare Wednesday Webinars: Sign up or catch up on previous events.

Cooperative care: is your horse an active participant in their husbandry? 

Our hugely popular Welfare Wednesday Webinars bring you free, expert advice on a range of horse health, behaviour and management topics. The series of presentations draws together a raft of experts to share accessible, practical advice and guidance for everyone - from those just starting on a journey with their horse, to industry professionals.

Catch up on previous Welfare Wednesday Webinars

Day in the life of a Sports horse

Day in the life of a Sports horse

with Sam Griffiths and Richard Davison

Buying a horse – traps for the unwary

Buying a horse – traps for the unwary

with Ben Mayes, Allison Williment and Tony Evans

How to keep horse sport ethical

How to keep horse sport ethical

with Professor Madeleine Campbell, Alex Hua Tian and John Burns

How does rider balance affect horses’ way of going?

How does rider balance affect horses’ way of going?

with Dr Russell MacKechnie-Guire, Richard Davison and Tony Tyler

Cutting costs not care

Cutting costs not care

with Lucy Grieve, Ruth Court and Rachel Andrews

Is there a particular topic you think would make a great Welfare Wednesday Webinars subject?
Do get in touch and let us know!

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