Success Stories

Protect horses in the EU 

Take action now to help horses in the EU.

Take action now to help horses in the EU.

For nearly a century we have been campaigning to protect the welfare of horses as they are transported to slaughter. We are therefore delighted that at long last, the European Commission is updating the rules on animal welfare during transport. This gives us a once in a generation opportunity to ensure that we FINALLY put a stop to long distance transport to slaughter.  

The European Commission’s proposals include establishing a 9-hour maximum journey time limit for equines intended for slaughter, but we need your help to make this happen and ensure the newly elected European Parliament supports this much needed legislation. 

The proposal also includes improvements to the conditions in which horses, ponies and donkeys travel to ensure they are given the protection they deserve. This will help ensure they have the space needed to balance during transport and that they are given the opportunity to rest.  However, we believe it does not go far enough.  

There are too many equines that will fall outside of this proposal – leaving them at risk. We also know the current European Equine Identification system is too open to fraud, meaning that individual horses, ponies and donkeys are not traceable and can even be given new identities. This makes it challenging – if not impossible – to enforce laws intended to protect equine health and welfare, leaving them vulnerable to disease threats.  

Alongside improved transport requirements, we are also calling for clearer rules on equine identification and registration alongside a move towards a fully digitalised system to make it simpler for horse owners to update details in real-time and ensure laws relating to equines are enforceable and enforced.  

We need to ensure that the new European Parliament and Commission addresses these concerns as a matter of urgency – creating legislation that supports those that put the welfare of their animals first while ensuring those that do not can be held to account.  

The European elections are an exciting opportunity to ensure that newly elected Members of the European Parliament prioritise the needs of all equines, and that legislation is passed which will improve and protect the lives of the millions of equines living in the EU.  

Add your voice to our petition to show MEPs that equine welfare is a key concern for European citizens, so they prioritise laws needed to protect the lives of all equines.  

Read more about our position on welfare during transport

Discover more about our advocacy work on equine ID and traceability

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