25 Posts Tagged By: Campaigning

World Horse Welfare attend House of Commons animal welfare roundtable discussion

Call for a New Model of Enforcement for Animal Welfare by Parliamentary Group, Local Authorities and Animal Welfare Charities.

Equine identification: a broken system that has a golden chance to be fixed

World Horse Welfare responds to the UK Government's Equine ID recommendations, alongside the publication of the British Horse Council's report: Equine ID: A Broken System.

Welcome recommendations to improve welfare in international horse transport law.

Shorter journeys, more space and better training for those involved in the transport of horses in the European Food Safety Authority report.

Animal welfare faces a ‘deepening crisis’ if action isn’t taken to improve local enforcement.

New report reveals that almost a half of councils in England do not have a single Animal Welfare Officer in place dedicated to dealing with animal welfare issues.

‘Once-in-a-generation’ chance for horse welfare across Europe

Our new appeal aims to support a once-in-a-generation opportunity to stop horses suffering needlessly long journeys across Europe to slaughter.

Views on equine ID system sought

We are asking for your views on the current equine ID system.

Consultation on equine ID shake up is of ‘pivotal importance’

Welcoming DEFRA’s consultation to seek the public’s views on the UK Government's proposals for improving equine identification and traceability in England.

Window of opportunity for better welfare for equines in Scotland and Wales

World Horse Welfare has launched a new campaign #ActNow4Horses, targeting a political window of opportunity to push for better welfare for horses in Scotland and Wales.

Will you email your MP to support increased animal cruelty sentences?

We need your support to ensure increased sentencing becomes law as soon as possible.

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