An effective identification system, which requires all equines to be microchipped and their details held on a central database, is not only vital in encouraging responsible ownership but will help give a much clearer picture of the equine population, which is vital in the event of a disease outbreak.  

Alongside the introduction of effective and enforceable equine identification regulations and an up-to-date and accessible central equine database, we believe the following are needed to ensure traceability of all equines: 

  • registration of all premises where equines are resident, and all show / competition grounds 
  • a centralised system recording certain key movements of horses 

Altogether, this package would enable equines to be identified and their movements linked to registration of premises. This has numerous benefits including effective disease control, meaningful checks on food chain status and the ability to identify equines that are neglected, have strayed or been dumped and trace them back to the person responsible for their welfare and hold them to account.

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