Welfare Wednesday Webinar: Dispelling 'nutribaloney' equine nutrition myths
Posted on 07/12/2023

On Wednesday 13 December at 7pm Equine Nutritionist Clare Macleod will be joining World Horse Welfare’s very popular and informative series of Welfare Wednesday Webinars to discuss feeding horses and navigating many of the tightly-held but often wrong beliefs when it comes to horses and their food requirements.
Clare will aim to dispel many common nutrition myths – or ‘Nutribaloney’ as Clare calls it! She will discuss issues surrounding grass and forage, as well as concentrate feeds. We will also be examining the marketing of feeds and supplements, and what you need to know to make sure you are buying feeds and supplements for your horses safely.
As always, at the end of the webinar your questions will be welcomed and Clare will be joined by Director of Nutrition for Baileys Horse Feeds, Liz Bulbrook, to take your nutrition related questions.
By registering for the webinars through Zoom, you will be able to take part in the various polls, ask questions during the Q&A and enjoy an interactive experience.
The webinars are free to attend and if you are unable to attend via Zoom they can also be viewed as a Facebook Live session. If you have missed any of the ever-increasing programme of previous webinars – which have covered subjects as fascinating and diverse as managing arthritic changes in ridden horses, understanding aggression; training horses: where to begin?; keeping horses fit, weight management, euthanasia, biosecurity, horse mental wellbeing and travelling – they are all available to watch on the advice section on our website.
More about the presenter: Clare Macleod MSc RNutr is an independent Registered Equine Nutritionist with expertise in equine health and fitness, who provides consultancy to horse owners, managers, vets, and the horse feed industry.
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