FundraisingUK Rescue

Thruppence was dangerously obese when she arrived

Thruppence has been transformed since she came into our care. Will you help other ponies in need this winter?

Posted on 10/12/2019

Birth of first foal from rescued ‘smuggled’ Dover 26 horses

Thruppence was dangerously obese when she came into our care and needed to lose over 13 stone to reach a healthy weight. With your support we can reach other horses and ponies like Thruppence who are in need this winter – could you spare just a few pounds today to help them?

It’s not only dangerously obese horses and ponies like Thruppence who come into our Rescue and Rehoming Centres. We also see welfare cases arrive in large groups, like Finley; poorly youngsters like Elf; and cases of severe neglect, like Clyde. With your support, we hope to give every one of these horses the chance to have a happy and healthy future. Will you give today to help horses in need this winter?


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