News: discover the latest horse news from around the world

Outrageous slaughterhouse cruelty revealed in RTÉ documentary

A documentary by Irish broadcaster RTÉ, shown yesterday evening, has left our charity outraged at the shocking acts of cruelty captured within an Irish slaughterhouse lairage.

Horse welfare in sport

Social licence event to reveal how much influence mainstream and social media have in influencing public support

New documentary highlights climate change threat to lives of farmers and their horses in Senegal

Millions of people in Senegal’s scorching deserts depend on working horses for their survival.

Has National Volunteer Week inspired you to lend us a hand?

Long-term volunteer Ann Bird shares her enthusiasm about helping out at Hall Farm

World Horse Welfare at Appleby Horse Fair 2024

Welfare charity team to highlight importance of watering horses

Penny Farm rescues pain-riddled ponies as negligent owner jailed

Case highlights a consequence of uncontrolled breeding of horses and ponies.

MSPs from all political parties urged to support an improved equine ID system 

Exhibition at the Scottish Parliament highlights the importance of a digitalised equine ID system

New weekly event for parents and children at Hall Farm

Hall Farm in Norfolk launches a weekly event for families

New animation launches our #StopHorseSmuggling campaign

Ahead of MARS Badminton Horse Trials this week, we have released an emotive animation to kick start our horse smuggling campaign ‘#StopHorseSmuggling’

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