Heatstroke occurs when the horse’s internal body temperature becomes too high and can be fatal particularly if the horse is dehydrated or lacking electrolytes. It is important that you take all precautions to avoid heatstroke occurring. 

The key with heatstroke is spotting the signs early and whilst these vary from horse to horse, they can include; 

  • Excessive sweating 
  • Heavy rapid breathing 
  • Elevated heart and respiratory rate 
  • Altered behaviour which can progress from dull/listless to panicky or manic as the condition becomes more serious. 

Individual horses cope differently with hot or humid weather conditions. It is important to know what is normal for your horse so that you can spot any changes as soon as they occur. 

If you suspect that your horse is suffering from heatstroke, you should stop exercise immediately, call your vet and cool the horse as quickly as possible using cold water. In the unlikely event that the horse collapses, maintain the cooling from a safe position until veterinary help arrives. 

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Things to consider 

Hydration guidelines for equines

Watering guidelines for equines

More information on providing water when transporting animals can be found in our downloadable guide.

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